Friday, December 18, 2009

Consumer Credit Counseling for Good Credit, Debt Settlement for Bad Credit

If you’re going through this article you most possible are experiencing, or might soon experience one or more of the agonizing situations below. You as well might get seen advertisements for consumer credit counseling (CCCS) also services offered by debt Consolidation Company and think which might be the answer to your financial troubles. You might be shocked at what the real resolution might be.

Particulars about Debt

* Above 75% of Americans are three paychecks missing from having to file a bankruptcy.

* Above 1.5 million would sign up in a CCCS or bad credit debt consolidation help. An additional 1.5 million would file for bankruptcy. Around 37 million people would attempt to negotiate themselves openly with creditors. The creditors love this as the people who are in debt aren’t professionals and don’t know how to deal with the system. You could get a better job for yourself if you be familiar with the rules of the game where.

* Around 65% of marriages which fail are because of financial problems associated to having too much debt.

* As you make a purchase thorough a credit card, on average you would pay over 30% extra for it compared to what you had purchased the item in cash.

* The usual credit card payment is alienated into 90% for the interest payment as well as 10% for principal fall. The principal amount is that the thing firstly cost you.

* Consolidating credit card debt could reduce your monthly payments which are been paid by the consumer.

In case any of the about matters sounds familiar, you might want to see what your alternatives are to dodge of debt speedily. Debt Settlement can be for you. Do you have a legal financial hardship? This would include loss in earnings resulting from a job loss, death in the family, or divorce, loss of child support or some additional severe life event. It cannot be extreme however there need to be a particular circumstance which you could see that got you in problem.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Christian Debt Consolidation - Way Towards Lessening Monetary Obligations

Christian debt consolidation is a way to get out of all your debt issues which have take away your peacefully sleep at night. The Christian debt consolidation companies propose a professional approach to your debts and offer their management services. Their purpose is to offer debt management services to people who have suffered the consequences of sudden developments like the too many hospital bills or loss of job or a divorce. The aim of this service is that while you pay back your loan payment with lower rates and decreased monthly incomes, you also save yourself your income to spend a life with certain standards. Thus, you have to make only one payment to only one debtor allowing you to pay off your debt faster. Bad credit debt consolidation programs are also available within the Christian debt consolidation programs. These debt consolidation service have really been able to help a lot of families and individuals to overcome their debts.

Do not take bad credit Christian debt service as a service provider or a counseling experts, it is a process of where you do away with your debts. It is to be seen as way of communication amongst the creditors and the debtors. A place where two parties sit and negotiated a difficult situation and agree on certain terms to make it easy for both of them. The debtor would be able to pay back and the creditor would be able to get his money back, which seems to have got stuck. You can get a credit card debt consolidation or unsecured debt consolidation as well. This is a good way of saving as much as 50 to 75% of your money.

Other advantages of Christian debt consolidation are:

• It lets you improve your credit score.

• It removes all your late fee charges.

• No more harassing calls from your creditors.

• A lowered interest rate.

• Only one payment every month.

• Get the control back on your finances.

• You can get out of all your debt in 48 to 60 months.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Debt Settlement - Do it yourself and Become Debt Free Today

If you are constantly being harassed by your creditors and you can hear bankruptcy knocking on your door then please don’t wait any longer. Apply for a our easy to use debt settlement program today, eliminate debt and relieve yourself from the unwanted stress.

Debt settlements or consolidation loan is a popular service wherein a big amount of loan is given to settle down high interest small amount loans. Debt settlement Companies will provide you a big amount at low interest rate through which you can pay all your pending loans. This means your interest rate will go down and you can save thousands of dollars!!

Credit Card Debt Elimination

CreditCard2 is United States leading Debt Consolidation and Settlement Company that has been helping customers in credit card debt settlement for over 14 years now. Striving to help people fight away their financial troubles, the company has come to the rescue of thousands of people seeking debt eliminations. Once you bring your financial worries to us, a friendly Debt Counselor will offer you the best possible debt consolidation loan that will wipe off all your worries.

Our Debt negotiations service makes sure that your monthly payments are comfortable and the time period of the payment plan is short. At CreditCard2 we honor your confidentiality and fully empathize the troubled times you may be going through.

So, if you are planning to consolidate your bill debt or loan debt then don’t waste your time and money any more. Get debt consolidation solution now with CreditCard2’s Debt settlement service and enjoy your life!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Advantages Of Debt Consolidation For Military Personnel

Military debt consolidation offers a convenient and effective solution of debt settlement for military personnel who are facing financial hardships, and are burdened with debt. Generally, it is not possible for armed personnel sent for offshore assignments, to make regular monthly repayments. And, things tend to become worse for individuals who have recently retired from their military services. For these individuals, it might be a difficult task to find suitable jobs with a good salary that suffices family expenses, and repayments of outstanding dues. As a result, credit scores start falling at an “alarming” rate.

Repayments become even more difficult when one has multiple debts to clear, thereby exposing the family to more unexpected “troubles”. One way of avoiding these troubles is to opt for federal loan consolidation, which is specifically designed to benefit, and function as a “welfare” of military personnel. Military debt consolidation programs provide the chance to make your repayments easy by combining all your current debts into one single loan.

Credit Card Debt Elimination

Following are some benefits of debt consolidation for military personnel:

Interest rates on credit card debt consolidation loans are usually lower than the rates borrowers pay for their existing debts. For government debt consolidation loans designed for military personnel, these rates are even lower as they are guaranteed by the US Veterans Department.

One can save thousands of dollars through a free debt consolidation loan due to reduced interest rates. This money can in turn be used to clear away debts much faster through debt settlement or debt negotiation. Also, one need not even pay any pre-payment penalties on debt and bill consolidation loans for military personnel.

Even the repayment terms are flexible, convenient, and affordable depending upon the existing financial situation of the borrower. This helps in improving credit ratings and to avoid bankruptcy.

Debt or bill consolidation loan for military will allow military families to get total control over their financial condition. These programs are aimed specifically to help those in the armed forces to maintain a comfortable financial level and debt settlement program, one can eliminate credit card debt and save financial resources for the family. Debt consolidation loans can cover your secure and unsecured debts. A debt consolidation company can negotiate with your creditors for the interest rates and payment terms. It also makes it possible to “make” a lower single monthly payment to satisfy your obligations. So don’t be overwhelmed by the burden of debt, choose debt consolidation today!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Debt elimination advantages and disadvantages

Many of us have experienced the burden of debt, whether through credit cards or student loans, tax liens or a home mortgage. The fundamental problems with debts happen to be they won’t go away unless you take a proactive approach and deal with the issue head on. If you’re financial status is not up to date and you are facing debt problems since quite some time, perhaps debt elimination is the correct solution for you.

Talking about debt elimination raises questions such as “Can you just legally cancel debts?” – The answer is “Yes, it’s possible if done in the correct way.” So that gives rise to another question “Then what’s the correct way?” The answers to that question are too many, since individuals have unique thinking patterns and each person feels “I am right” A probable “answer” might be the solutions offered by debt elimination companies, which concentrate more upon the “end result” of reducing your debt, rather than debate over the list of probable answers.

Credit Card Debt Elimination

Debt elimination pros and cons

As in case of many debt reduction and credit repair strategy, debt elimination plan presents its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Outlined below are major pros and cons associated with the facility. People tend to offer different view points regarding the benefits and argue over the disadvantages. However, from the “market” point of view, the ground reality does exhibit some key features which both support and discourage the concept.

Advantages of debt elimination

  • Cost effective in nature.
  • Simple process and leads to a stress free life.
  • Stops harassment from debt collectors.
  • Can effectively reduce your debt significantly if don in the correct manner.
  • Negative feed back or “bad” and “poor” credit status can be removed through systematic use of the process. It’s possible to repair your credit status.
  • Debt elimination programs do not require collateral security

  • Disadvantages of debt elimination

  • You lose the credit cards and their associated accounts which you're defaulting on.
  • Can take from 4-10 months if the accounts are still active and have yet to be handed over to a debt collection agency.
  • Cannot use the facility for business related debts. Debt elimination programs are only available on personal unsecured debt.
